About Dentsential

Insurance and discount program participation has grown considerably over the last decade. More patients are making provider choices based on network participation as opposed to proximity or visit history. Practices not accepting insurance are missing out on key revenue growth opportunities and are losing long-time patients.

At Dentsential we believe this trend will only continue. We believe network participation is crucial to future profitability and practice growth in the dental industry.

Nonetheless, we know the credentialing process is tedious and work intensive. It involves mounds of paperwork and frequent contact with insurance companies.   In addition, not knowing the proper steps in the credentialing process can cost you thousands.

Why go through the hassle? Why leave hard-earned income on the table? Let Dentsential do the work for you! We are a dental insurance credentialing company focused on maximizing and optimizing insurance and discount plan participation. Our team of dental industry professionals understands network participation for small and large practices.  We know the best opportunities to boost practice insurance revenues to earn you the income you deserve.

We can help you get credentialed, stay credentialed and confidently grow your practice.  Contact us today!